Written by: Steven Sinimeri | Directed by: Steven Sinimeri | Genre: Drama A lot can be said about the short film Dinner, and there's also a lot left unsaid. The film explores three people, each with their own problems. The alcoholic…
Written by: Steven Sinimeri | Directed by: Steven Sinimeri | Genre: Drama A lot can be said about the short film Dinner, and there's also a lot left unsaid. The film explores three people, each with their own problems. The alcoholic…
Written by: Ricardo Perez-Selsky | Directed by: Ricardo Perez-Selsky | Genre: Drama/Short film Starting with a blast of images involving what's going on in Mexico and a woman quickly packing some belongings, and a gun is a great attention grabber.…
Written by: Joshua Nelson | Directed by: Joshua Nelson | Genre: Horror / Thriller Someone is dying mysteriously, and during a meeting, we are introduced to the man responsible. Paulie (Tom Scorzone) is the man to call when you want…
Written by: Hannah Howzdy | Directed by: James Camali | Genre: Drama A group of young women is having fun on the beach as an old song plays in the background. Laughter, fun times, and the best of friends... family…
Written by: Marcellus Cox | Directed by: Marcellus Cox | Genre: Thriller/Drama The underprivileged have always been represented in movies through various forms. Poverty, abuse, and bullying are powerful topics, and watching a person overcome such obstacles provides an endearing…
Written by: Sheldon Maddux | Directed by: Sheldon Maddux | Genre: Horror / Drama Reviewed by Mr. Rick Murrin A slightly confusing short film that quickly crosses the line from a romantic setting into a dark horror show. After…
Written by: Nate Reynolds / Keith Diahn | Directed by: Nate Reynolds / Charlotte Decker | Genre: Crime / Drama Hovering over the dead body of Lisa (Madison Hodges) is her boyfriend, Jafari (Keith Diahn), who seems to be in…
Written by: Chris Cheeseman | Directed by: Chris Cheeseman / Paul Krysinski | Genre: Horror The film opens with two shady dudes pulling up beside a lake. They crack open a couple of beers, as so many of us have…
Written by: Angela Koh | Directed by: Angela Koh | Genre: Documentary Angela Koh releases her short documentary to the world, and even though it's not anything we haven't seen or heard before, it's a good take on the LGBTQ…
Written by: George Gilmore | Directed by: Michael del Avila | Genre: Drama/Comedy Reviewed by Rick Murrin. I first noticed how retro it looked when I started watching this film. I'm talking about the look of the film itself as…