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Wrath of the Viper Sniper

Written by: Clay Moffatt |   Directed by: Clay Moffatt |  Genre: Action
Reviewed by Rick Murrin.

In Wrath of the Viper Sniper, “Trevor” attends a school that trains “agents.” What kind of agents do you ask? Agents of the sort that can kick the living daylights out of anyone, anytime, pretty much anywhere. The kind of agent that is always cool and always has a snappy comeback line. More or less.

“The Viper Sniper” lives in the future but has a close connection to the present. He is constantly showing up and threatening people. Why? The truth is that I’m not really sure. I guess I must have missed something. The only real plot line that I could understand in this film, I cannot really mention here without giving away the whole movie!!! I guess this is where I have to admit that this film wasn’t really my cup of tea. I really have no idea what I just watched.

However, I will give credit to all the actors in this film. They are all really good actors. Some of them may have a bright future in the business. I truly believe that you can have the top actors in the world in a film, and if the story and the script do not catch your attention, the film itself will follow suit. This is the weakest part of Wrath of the Viper Sniper.

To be fair, the technical side of the film is pretty good. There is some nice lighting, and some good camera work to go with it. I felt that the editing is a little off in some parts but mostly pretty good and to the point. There are also some special effects used throughout the movie that are hit and miss. One last thing… what the hell is Pocketman and Cargoboy? I just didn’t really get this one at all.  I give this film 2 stars. Thank you for reading.

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