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The Perfect Murder.

Written by: Vikkramm Chandirramani  |   Directed by: Vikkramm Chandirramani |  Genre: Urban Crime  |   Length: 18 minutes

The cliche B-Movie is a dying breed and The Perfect Murder is also the perfect example.

 The Perfect Murder comes straight from India, with Vikkramm Chandirramani helming this crime thriller. If you’re under the assumption that we’re talking gold, bright colors and a lot of dancing – you’re in for a shock. Except maybe the gold aspect; because our criminal mastermind is definitely in search of that. Kabir (Rohan Gandotra) is an actor. Like most in the profession, he has yet to find sustained success. As a soft spoken man he seems the exact opposite of his wife. Neha (Samvedna Suwalka) is from a wealthy family who did not approve of her marrying Kabir. After fighting for their blessing, the family want nothing more than for Kabir to quit acting and learn the family business. To work and support a family they soon hope to have. There’s nothing strange about this request because sooner or later, we all have to do what’s right.
 We soon find out that for the last few years however, Kabir has been seeing another woman. Carol (Niharica Raizada) is her, and she’s been waiting for Nadir to divorce his wife so they can be together. When the pressure begins to increase, as it usually does, the 2 decide it’s time to deal with this situation once and for all. Kabir must murder Neha and as her husband, claim all she has. But murdering someone is hard. Not getting caught is harder. This is where The Perfect Murder’s true story is revealed but of course, things don’t go as planned.  Vikkramm Chandirramani paints an interesting picture with this odd couple destined for murder. In this title, the woman has all the power. It’s not as common in movies but quickly taking center stage. The husband at first is shown as a quiet man with dreams of hitting the big time. A tough goal but not completely unheard of. It’s his soft spoken nature that really grabs you. You can almost understand the potential of the couple. With Neha being the driving force behind Kabir’s creative enterprises. Until that is, you come to realize that Kabir is a snake in the grass. A man ruthless enough to plan out the murder of his wife. Carol’s character is equally evil. Being the one who initially comes up with the idea. Self preservation and wanting to be the first choice is one thing. Murder is another. The characters are all acted out excellently from what I can see and this title, really looks good. More proof that micro budget movies have come such a long way over the years. The cliche B-Movie is a dying breed and The Perfect Murder is also the perfect example.

 I won’t spoil the ending of this title but can say this. Chandirramani manages to turn the plot around, and delivers a very satisfying conclusion to this short film. I can’t think of a better way to have ended it. Four stars all the way.

The Perfect Murder – Trailer from Vikkramm Chandirramani on Vimeo.

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