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Say Goodbye to Hollywood

Written by: Steven Helgoth |   Directed by: Steven Helgoth |  Genre: Dystopian / Fantasy

Sean (Michael Collins) emerges from his tent to begin his day of drawing for cash. He’s in the city of angels and homeless, sketching for anyone willing to shell out a few bucks. Only today, things are different. There doesn’t seem to be any traffic which is weird considering where he is. After packing up and moving, Sean discovers that a virus has wiped out almost everybody, but he has no symptoms himself, and he can’t be alone. He’s not.Say Goodbye to Hollywood makes no secret what it’s about. The world is on the brink of ending except for a sprinkling of people who include strange, dangerous people in white containment suits. These people apparently kidnap and kill people at will and with impunity. This is all pretty scary, and other than them, it feels like the only people left are a little strange. Other homeless people who are terrified to the point of violence when approached, and this really isn’t a world anyone would want to live in. And yet, in many ways, it doesn’t feel too far off either. On his journey, Sean meets other people, such as Carla (Balta Monkiki) and her pet rat, who ends up being one of Sean’s spirit guides. Then there’s also the magician and the people of the religious group who are waiting for Sean. The audience has met the magician before at the start of the film. Say Goodbye to Hollywood progressively moves into a darker, stranger, and more spiritual direction and its audience will surely have an interesting journey with Sean as the movie progresses.

The film itself is a little long but not to the point you’re watching the progress bar to see how much is left. It also feels like there could be a sequel, but maybe I’ve gotten ahead of myself. I also noticed the ‘don’t drink the Koolaid’ reference and couldn’t help but think immediately that the religious group was bad even though that probably wasn’t the intent. The Jonestown reference felt a little out of place. Other than that, the acting was pretty good, and for a film without much of a budget, there were times when Say Goodbye to Hollywood felt like a much larger film. I would have no problem telling friends to watch this movie. Thank you for reading.

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