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Quiet, Pretty Things

Written by: Megan Stockton  |   Directed by: Derek Stockton  |  Genre: Crime drama/Thriller

 Rion (Eli Taylor), a happy looking man driving in a car, lets us know why he kills people as Quentin (Casey Bales) talks to his shrink about his ongoing problems. Quentin is trying to catch Rion, and feels he knows everything about the man except his actual name. Rion also states his wife Emily thinks he’s having an affair, which he denies. But his shrink gently lets on that although there is no other woman, Quentin’s obsession with this killer amounts to the same thing. As the bodies start to pile up, the best course of action seems to be to go to the media and tell a few fibs in order to get the serial killer, Rion, to make some mistakes. It’s around this time, that Quiet, Pretty Things really begins to pick up steam.

 At first, Rion buys what they say on the radio, hook, line, and sinker. Then he begins to really think about it, and decides to actively spice things up. Rion’s coming apart mentally, and for the potential victims out there, that’s not good news. Rion begins leaving messages for Quentin, including a message on the body of Quentin’s partner, who Rion has just run down and killed before stealing his badge and gun. Eventually, Rion commits the ultimate act of cruelty, making this case far more than just a run of the mill detective story. Now, as they say in the old movies from the 1990s, it’s personal. Quiet, Pretty Things eventually hits the climax that was really, really cool. This extended scene even involves the ghosts (so to speak) of Rion’s victims. It’s all very fast paced and a fitting end for a damn good independent movie.

 Written by Megan Stockton and directed by Derek Stockton, Quiet, Pretty Things is the picture of teamwork for the micro budget, DIY film world. This team didn’t sit around and wait for their 10 million bucks to arrive by check in the mail, they went out and made their movie. So expect (I did) some production limitations, sit back and enjoy the show. It’s not all that often when a DIY film manages to capture my attention for any extended period of time, but this one did, and I believe it all comes down to the story being told, and the good direction of the cast. This movie sometimes doesn’t feel like a movie at all. Sometimes it feels like you’re a fly in the room witnessing some real life occurrences. This helps make Quiet, Pretty Things feel more real… like this could be happening in your community.

 To put it simply, when it works, it really works, and when it doesn’t work, it’s still pretty good. A great case in point is the abduction scene of Emily, which not only looks great, but has that tense feeling this kind of movie requires. Nobody ever said everything was 100% perfect, but as a complete film, I was more than happy with what I watched. And that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Telling your story the way you want to tell it. Quiet, Pretty Things would work as an excellent introduction to micro-budget film. It’s clearly indie yet still good enough to interest even the most unsure of viewers. 3.5/5 stars, and thank you for reading.

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