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Written by: Cassandra Bryson |   Directed by: Cassandra Bryson |  Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Horror

The brutal murder of a thief kicks off Cassandra Bryson’s feature film Fisher, and if the murder itself wasn’t enough, the inscription carved into the victim’s torso was sure to catch my attention. Thou shall not steal. It was at this point that Fisher course-corrected and introduced me to Clara (Lilly Leann Wright), who is tapping away on her laptop. Her activity of choice? Baiting anyone she can find online into buying her gifts while she pretends to be someone completely different. The act is called catfishing, and immediately the title of the film becomes clear.

Catfishing for sugar daddies has been on the uptick for quite some time now. Take an attractive picture(s) from the internet and pretend it’s you. It seems pretty harmless until you start reeling in married men or, even worse, sickos. Clara, it seems, has hooked the latter, and this particular sicko has taken an interest in her. Eventually, that interest turns sour… or was it all along? Let’s also not forget that the person Clara has hooked may also be the killer on the loose, adding even more danger to this volatile mixture. Could the killer be one of Clara’s friends? Could it be a parent? Lord knows there’s a lot of dysfunction happening in this film. Or, could it be a complete stranger. Fisher dances around all these possibilities before reaching the twist conclusion.

Including some very present religious tones and ideals, Fisher embodies most elements you would expect from a thriller mystery hybrid. There’s plenty of misdirection when it comes to who the killer could be, but I also did notice a clue or two scattered about signifying who the killer actually is. A scene involving a random liquid on a shirt opened my eyes to the possibilities about halfway through. There’s a lot of detail in the writing, and I’m glad to say that at least some of it made its way onscreen.

But I also need to point out that all that detail came with a price—the length. Fisher is a two-hour micro-budget film, and I’ll admit it feels a little overindulgent sometimes. The acting in Fisher is also a little of the good and a little of the cardboard variety. Thankfully the good performances far outnumber the iffy ones, and I’m again taken back to the issue with the length. If some of the excesses were removed, that would probably include some of the hollow parts of the acting. But I’m also nit-picking a little, and nothing is ever really bad in the movie. Some scenes are just better than others.

Speaking on Fisher as a whole production, I don’t really have anything terrible to say. Cassandra Bryson has a talent and eye for film. The cast all do remarkably well, and the concept/story itself is a good one. Maybe a little too much focus was given to everyday menial tasks, but aside from that, this was a great film. Three and a half stars out of five. Thank you for reading.

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