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Pocketman And Cargoboy

 Written by: Mackenzie Clark, Clay Moffatt  |   Directed by: Clay Moffatt |  Genre: Action, Comedy, Family  |   Length: 87 minutes
 Clark and Moffatt manage to capture the essence of a fun film despite some of the technical limitations...
  What is it about the absurd that’s so fun to watch? Does it have something to do with our love affair with fantasy? Thinking that an impossible scenario would be so cool to actually see? Or is it much simpler? Maybe it simply comes down to ‘any’ story that is able to keep our attention for more than 90 seconds, is considered a good one. If so, “Pocketman And Cargoboy” has both these fields covered. Picture a typical spy/espionage flick, mixed with a little “X-Files” and featuring teenagers as the heroes. Now consider that this film falls into the micro indie stratosphere, and you’ve got the general idea. Written by Mackenzie Clark and Clay Moffatt, “Pocketman And Cargoboy” follows alongside Agent Jayden Hill (Ben Edwards) as he thwarts one baddie, begins recruiting young teens to train as men in black, and ultimately sets them on a path to stop the evil Doctor Collin Fantom, (Calion Maston) from destroying the world with a dastardly virus. Using his home as a makeshift school! Agent Hill and his group of misfit teachers prepare Pocketman and Cargoboy for their task ahead, tutoring them on the use of the SHATTER stick so they can eventually go back in time and change the future.  The flick itself zeroes in on their schooling for the vast majority, only saving a bit of the overall length dedicated to Collin Fantom. Spread through the school sessions we learn of the secret world war 3, a few unusually named super baddies, and are allowed to shake our heads in disbelief at some of the teachers. All the while expected to completely shut down our rational mind when considering the plot itself. That plot is a little wonky and I’m sure Clay Moffatt does his best to make his watchers focus onscreen, instead of actually stopping to think about it. Once that’s accomplished “Pocketman And Cargoboy” is actually a good little flick with a very weird name. In case you’re wondering, Pocketman And Cargoboy are nick names given to the students, much like Agent X or Deepthroat.

Getting the person watching this flick to completely ignore the finer plot points is crucial but near impossible. For starters, grabbing kids off the street is a big no-no even for a secret agent. Barring that, there are just so many messy points it’s hard to keep track of them all. For starters, I highly doubt a true secret agency, would entrust a kid with amazing government secrets and seriously expect said kid to actually keep them. I’m not totally sure the amount of time that passes in the film, but it felt like these “secrets” were entrusted almost right away. Possibly on the first day. Could you imagine that a week goes by and Pocketman gets frustrated, gets out of the school and brags? It just doesn’t make any sense. We also have a whole whack of strange happening with the time travel aspects. Not even talking about the how or why it would be left to 3 young agents to go back in time; why would such a device be entrusted to a mere agent? I’m talking about you Agent Hill. When only 4 such devices exist do you really expect me to believe one of them is handed out to a secret agent to play with as he pleases at his home? And yes. You read that right, a third trainee is introduced randomly during the final quarter of the film. There are more plot anomalies but I feel I’ve beaten that dead horse enough. Moving on. The actual acting of “Pocketman And Cargoboy” is for the most part a little scripty. Maybe. Things just don’t feel quite right with many of the line deliveries, but I have a theory about that. I’m not 100% sure it’s the deliveries themselves. It ‘could’ be a case of uneven audio. The background music and sound effects seem to make the dialog itself sound wooden or tinny. Imagine a fully balanced and equalized track being played under a much lower quality one. On the surface, saying it’s the cast is easy when in fact, I don’t think that was the case at all. To be fair and balanced, I want to mention that when this flick works well, it really works well. Clark and Moffatt manage to capture the essence of a fun film despite some of the technical limitations. This isn’t a short film, and this isn’t a basic plot line. It’s a full length feature containing numerous characters, fight scenes and effects. That’s hard to do with very little money. Hard to do and harder to finish. And as luck would have it, I thought the fight scenes were really well done. Maybe not always perfect but when these characters were engaged, the action looked pretty sweet. I also really dug the entire final act of the film. Ignoring plot issues, they were by far the best scenes of the movie. Maybe a little dark though.

Ambitious is ‘not’ the word to describe this flick. It’s far to light of a statement. “Pocketman And Cargoboy” was a downright cheeky attempt at film with little cash backing it. What’s a little scary is that as an entire film it worked well enough to be a success. All my blablabla’s on what was wrong with this and that, doesn’t amount to much when I write the following: It was a pretty good movie. I’m wondering if a sequel is being planned because I’d be up for that.


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