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Loving Martin

 Written by: David Vernon  |   Directed by: Elmer J Howard |  Genre: LGBT Drama  |   Length: 21 minutes
 Those who appreciate a well done short film, and some real life drama, will really appreciate this production.
  Five years is definitely long term. With that in mind, Erik (Scott Olsen) is ready to pop the big question to his boyfriend. Not the question that requires a honeymoon – but one ‘almost’ as important. In any relationship there comes a time to ask for more. More responsibility to your partner and more for yourself. Asking someone to move in with you. It’s a lot more than some people realize. Little things, you may not notice if you don’t live together, become highlighted. It’s a big jump but one that Erik is ready to make. But what about his partner? What about Martin (Allen Montes) who can’t even seem to show up on time for their big anniversary dinner? Is he ready? Martin is considerably younger than Erik. Less settled and from the way he drinks, looking more to live his life. As any young person is entitled to do. He’s not ready to settle into what most would consider the good life. He needs to live a little – and that’s not what Erik wanted to hear. The remainder of the film focuses more on Erik. With Martin being talked about until one night around Christmas time, Martin suddenly appears at Martin’s door – with the news Martin has been hoping for. Until… something happens. “Loving Martin” is based on a true story and if you think it’s purely a relationship movie, you would be both right, and ‘completely’ wrong. Loving Martin ‘does’ explore the relationship of the starring couple, but is not the driving force of the story. The driving force is what happens after what I’ve described above. An ending that is shocking not so much because of the title itself, but because it’s all real. True stories have a tendency to stay with you. As I’m sure this one will.

The trick for director Elmer J Howard, was to allow us to gather sympathy for these 2 characters. Especially for Martin, who doesn’t have a lot of endearing qualities. If there is no connection, the film would pretty much fall flat on it’s face. Howard is not alone in this, as writer David Vernon had to script it in such a way, as to accomplish the same task. What works? The fact that Martin is so young. We don’t really ‘expect’ him to be ready for lazy couch nights 7 days a week. Were you when you were young? Martin, like most of us, needs to get out in the world and find his place. Have fun. This was the tool used to drive the story home. And it worked. But Allen Montes also managed to give us a glimpse of the person Erik fell in love with. A caring soul. Montes’s character may have been painted a small bit distant at times, but the true nature of Martin ‘does’ come through. Loud and clear. As does Erik’s. A successful man who has been there and done that. Now he just wants to grab as much alone time as he can. Both Montes and Olsen do a great job with some difficult roles. Difficult in the sense there isn’t a lot of time to work with. “Loving Martin” clocks in at around 20 minutes.

This film is a well done production dealing with some difficult material. Both in terms of character building and of course, the story itself. It is a little slower, but the casual pacing of the film is needed in order for the ending to have an impact. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, but those who appreciate a well done short film and some real life drama will ‘really’ appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to read, and be sure to visit this film’s website below.


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