Written by: Mitch McLeod | Directed by: Mitch McLeod | …

A Wish For Giants
There is nothing more gruesome than a child dying. Except maybe having to watch it happen slowly. It becomes more about making sure that the little time left, becomes as good as can get. To show your love. To ease both the physical and mental pain, and even try to give that child something most others will never get during an entire lifetime. Something to make their short time here special. A wish. A dream come true. Roxie is one such little girl. Old enough to understand her situation, but young enough to still believe in magic. She wants to find and meet Bigfoot. A mythical creature that has become fodder for many conspiracy nuts, or lovers of fringe science. Roxie knows that such a creature has never been proven to exist, but believes in it so much, she simply has to find it. Much to the dismay of her appointed wish granter Sophie, who feels a connection to Roxie. A special connection that leads her into an attempt, to grant this impossible wish. One way or the other. “A Wish For Giants” chronicles Sophie’s quest to honor the dying wish of a little girl. Even if that means resorting to the trickery and self centered nature of an admirer. Roxie is determined that Bigfoot is not only real, but will gladly meet with her. Sophie is determined to make that happen. This is the heartbeat of a movie that hopes you still believe in magic. Even if only for the movies duration.
On so many levels this film works. Aaron Dunbar knows how to make what could easily have been a story everyone knows, into something with a fresh spin. “A Wish For Giants” by it’s very nature has all the aspects needed to hook an audience. A sick girl. A selfless but unsure hero, a bad guy of sorts and obviously, a problem that’s difficult to overcome. But the audience has seen this story before. It’s not a new one. So the trick was to make it feel new. Adding Bigfoot helped a lot. Both in terms of the problem, and then by adding some magic to the movie. Things were all handled rather nicely. Bigfoot was always present in the story, but never over powered the narrative. This is a story about Sophie and Roxie first. Their test of inner strength and character was always visible. As was a majestic quality to the film, sprinkled all through it’s length. Those sweeping sky shots, especially later in the film, really added value, beauty and interest.The overall direction of the movie was handled nicely as well. This is a film that knows what it is and goes for it. There’s no real mixing of styles. “Giants” knows it’s a drama first, and doesn’t overly pollute itself with comedy. A trend many movies attempt now days, as if adding other narrative aspects somehow enhances the story being told. Not adding the “filler” was an excellent story telling decision that works well here. I’m really not at liberty to give away much more than I already have. For a film that runs a little over an hour, not including credits, “A Wish For Giants” offers a lot to the audience. Especially for anyone who has ever lost a loved one, and that happens to be most of us. This movie plays on the emotions it knows that you know, and does a good job in the process. I should also note that I enjoyed the way Bigfoot himself was handled. The way we get to see both visually and in our minds eye. Leaving something for the imagination using a visual medium, properly, is rarely done correctly now days. Virtual thumbs up folks. I enjoyed my time with this one. |